About this site

Mixed Measures is a science, society, and culture blog by George Chavez, PhD. It blends perspectives on psychology, society, AI, and culture in the hopes that some admixture of each yields food for change. What you'll find values growth, learning, and uncertainty--a bit of a counterpoint to dominant cultural tendencies of rightness, righteousness, and certainty.

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About George

Long ago, George (pronouns: he, him, his) received a PhD in Social Psychology, specializing in race, gender, uncertainty and, here's a random one: Scale development. Some years of research, many more of teaching, and a stint (6 years) in nonprofitland, and the world continues to inspire joy, disappointment, wonder, frustration, humility and more than anything, curiosity.

George writes about change and growth. If it includes thinking differently, dismantling oppressive structures and norms, co-creating more restorative forms, or building our collective corpus of knowledge about the world and our place in it, George is all about it.

For the more organizationally inclined, George runs an assessment consultancy for social change organizations called The Culture Patterns Project (www.culturepatterns.org). Apparently, one writing outlet isn't enough, so George also writes about organizational culture, social change, and data there.